I will be giving a seminar on E-Learning in a secondary curriculum. Since the use of Web 2.0 is becoming more prevalent and more schools are not able to service the needs of all their students I believe this is the next wave in Secondary Education. The demand for greater access to more diverse student populations and more curricular areas is only going to increase. Schools and school districts will not be able to fully meet that demand by hiring more and more teachers, assuming they find teachers fully qualified, or by adding more buildings to accommodate the classes. Therefore, the only viable, economically and geographically possible solutions are to incorporate more and more E-learning environments. Many school's and districts are already implementing more of an online curriculum for their students, but the current rate of implementation is NOT going to keep up with the demand. Let's face it, many of todays students want more than their school's currently provide and this a way to fulfill that need and then some.
My seminar will incorporate some of the theories behind distance and e-learning, such as Transactional Theory and
Equivalency Theory
as well as how many of the Web 2.0 tools augment as well as provide a richer learning environment. More and more school districts are beginning to adopt an e-learning curriculum, but lack the appropriate trained teachers and professional development to ensure proper and appropriate learning of the students. My additional findings and hopefully a
Coverit live broadcast of the lecture will be posted here.
During my research I had the unique opportunity to interview a certified expert in distance learning. The interview was conducted with Dr. Lisa Rodriguez who is the Director and Assistant Professor of the
Center For Teaching and Learning at the University of La Verne.
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